Wednesday, January 4, 2012

AI accepts funds from Canadian Tamils
The Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) has raised 50,000 Canadian Dollars as a donation to the Amnesty International (AI). This money was raised in a Walk-A-Thon held in Sep.2011 for the express purpose of funding the AI.
Among the mission and objectives of the CTC are to "Work with various levels of Governments in Canada to highlight and resolve issues impacting Tamil Canadians," and "Cooperate with Canadian and international organizations in alleviating the suffering and provide humanitarian assistance to Tamils worldwide," as well as "Recognize and support the social, cultural and political aspirations of the Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka and worldwide."
The CTC is very strong in its criticism of Sri Lankan government's treatment of Tamils and is especially supportive of allegations of war crimes and violation of Humanitarian Law by Sri Lanka in the final phases of the military operations to defeat the LTTE.
Its views on these matters are very close to those of pro-LTTE Tamil organizations in the West. It is highly critical of the LLRC report taking up positions not different to that of such pro-LTTE groups as well as AI, Human Rights Watch and the International Crisis Group that refused to give evidence before the LLRC.
The CTC in its preliminary response to the LLRC report states that "in the months leading up to the release of the LLRC report, the commission was widely dismissed by international human rights groups, including Amnesty International, who in a critical report, described the process as "flawed at every level" and severely falling short of international standards".
AI that now benefits from the CTC funding has continued a campaign directed against Sri Lanka and has used the highly questionable Channel 4 documentary "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields" in its campaign calling for an international probe into allegations it makes against Sri Lankan authorities.
This is the link to the CTC fund raising campaign for AI:
Courtesy: President Media Unit

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