Sunday, February 26, 2012

931 ex-LTTE cadres to be reunited soon

The rehabilitation authorities hope to implement a
comprehensive post monitoring system to help former ex-LTTE cadres who were
reintegrated into the mainstream society, newly appointed Commissioner General
of Rehabilitation Brig. Dharshana Hettiarachchi said.
He told the Sunday Observer that there were only 931 ex-LTTE cadres still
undergoing rehabilitation and they would be reunited with their families before
the end of this year. “Under the new system the authorities will not only look
into their activities but also into their problems. We have reports in some
areas that their own people are still reluctant to welcome them into society”,
he said.
According to Brig Hettiarachchi, the authority plans to conduct several
awareness programs to educate the public to have a good rapport with them.
“We are confident that they are fully rehabilitated and we want their own
people to recognise them as normal civilians as most of them became terrorists
unwillingly, he said.
He said the rehabilitated cadres who were released were given vocational
training and the Rehabilitation Authority would explore the possibility of
providing them financial assistance to launch self-employment projects.
“We would ensure that they are safe in society. As they are now on the
correct path we want to give them support to stand on their own”, he said.
Brig. Hettiarachchi was the GOC of the 22 Division in Trincomalee.
According to the Rehabilitation Ministry, of the 11,700 ex-LTTE cadres who
had surrendered, 10,375 have been reunited with their families after the
completion of the rehabilitation process. Over Rs.750 million has been allocated
for rehabilitation this year.
They have been given training in masonary skills, handicrafts and paintings
as well as vocational, language and communication training to improve their
skills and educational knowledge.This year 78 rehabilitated ex-LTTE cadres were
reintegrated into society.

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