Thursday, June 23, 2011

Prof Rohan Gunaratna tells SLBC :

Prof Rohan Gunaratna tells SLBC :

SL needs comprehensive strategy to counter pro-LTTE elements
International terrorism expert and Singapore International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research Head Prof Rohan Gunaratna said that Sri Lanka should have a comprehensive strategy to counter malicious campaigns launched by pro – LTTE elements against the country in the aftermath of its victory over terrorism.
Prof Gunaratna
Gunaratna in an exclusive interview with the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation on Wednesday said Sri Lankan authorities should think of post- war strategy, which includes ways and means of countering the malicious campaigns against the country.
He also emphasized the need of having closer ties with India, Russia and China and European countries. Gunaratna added that the members of academia and all Sri Lankans in foreign countries should have a sense of duty to negate this type of malicious propaganda which is being carried out by LTTE sympathizers in a subtle way.
Prof Gunaratna added that Sri Lanka and Russia enjoy very close relations and the President’s recent visit to Russia further strengthened bilateral relations.
He stressed that the video telecast by Channel 4 is bias and it has not focused on the fact that all communities are living peacefully after the end of terrorism in Sri Lanka.
Prof Gunaratna was of the view that Sri Lanka should also implement a mechanism to show the world about how the government rehabilitated thousands of former LTTE combatants and how the people displaced by terrorist atrocities were resettled in their original villages. He stressed that the world community should be briefed on the massive development in the North and the East in the aftermath of 30 years. Prof Gunaratna added that the Sri Lanka mission overseas should work efficiently to counter this type of malicious campaigns.
He said that the LTTE seems to be using human rights organizations and media as a cats’ paw to achieve their aims. Prof Gunaratna said that UN permanent representative and his deputy were able to prove that the Channel 4 video was a fake.

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