Monday, February 25, 2013

The rough outlines of a plan are reasonably clear, as Geneva 2013 approaches. The diaspora located Tiger rump with affiliates both powerful and inconsequential, have decided that the best course of action is overkill.

It’s been decided that there should be nothing short of painting the Sri Lankan majority Sinhala community, as an international pariah race, the parallel being what was done to the Jews by Hitler.

The Jewish were vilified and damned as being constituted of a sub-human parasitic ghetto sub-culture of vermin. The ethnic cleansing of the Jews was hence, Hitler deemed, a survival move that would ensure the purity of the human race, which was of course an extension of his beloved theory of Aryan superiority.

The Tiger rump has decided that the Sinhalese have to be portrayed as beyond the pale -- as child killers, the way the Jews were portrayed as avaricious vermin. So the narrative is going on apace.

Sinhala forces killed Prabhakaran’s helpless innocent son, they say, and caused the deaths of over 40,000 Tamil civilians in the last phase of the war.

But not content, the Sinhala race is going after the Muslims, and is guilty of post war hegemony in entrenching Sinhala culture in the Tamil minority north they say, and so on and so forth.

The bracketing of the Sinhalese as a rogue race, is to Rwandise Sri Lanka. The Tiger rump wants to frame the post war situation in terms of crude tribal warfare, the parallel being Rwanda.

Now, for the rest of the story. All of this is absolute undiluted horse-manure. There isn’t a shred of truth in this narrative, but the diaspora is stubbornly Hitlertite in this kind of racial profiling.

Except of course when they want to frame Sri Lanka’s post war narrative in holocaust lingo. Then, the Sinhalese are compared to the Nazis, persecuting the Tamil minority.

All of this seems to be because the Jewish narrative has always been attractive to the Tamil diaspora Tiger rump which fancies that creating a parallel from scratch will make the Tamils as important as the Jews to the Americans and the world’s powerful and politically pro-active governments.

The attempt to merge with the Jewish narrative as it were, sometimes blurs the picture so much for the diaspora Tiger rump, that there seems to be internal confusion. This is natural.

When the plan is to shame the Sinhala race as ‘rogue’ and ‘pariah’ and worthy of ostracism, the Tiger rump as the LTTE under Prabhakaran, almost seamlessly gravitates to the status of the oppressor, not the oppressed, the Jewish narrative turned on its head.

This is why when the ghoul Prabhakaran was alive, Pongu Thamil celebrations ended with a Hitler salute by the cadres and the assembled horde.

The rough contours of the emerging narrative begin to be clearer now. Frame the Sri Lankans as abhorrent, a shunned race, and the Tamils as a Master race.

This has its pitfalls however. The Hitler salute went against the LTTE, as the Jewish lobbies worldwide were shocked. The Jews are similarly revolted by the careless use of holocaust terminology to equate the artificial narrative of post-war Tamil suffering to the suffering of the Jews under Hitler.

If drawn in broad brush-strokes the policy is to isolate Sri Lanka by advancing the tribal narrative of the Sri Lankan Forces as Hutu-like killers. The problem is that this narrative is entirely fictional.

It gets exposed and discredited gradually, the way Times journalist Catherine Phillip’s yarn of 20,000 deaths was discredited in no time, as Kamal Wickremesinghe explained in his article on this page yesterday.

Before the fictional narrative is discredited however, a certain amount of damage is done.

But exposing the mega-narrative and the modus operandi of the Tiger rump will help the world comprehend quicker. It can be more effective even, than exploding the Tiger myths about Sri Lankan ‘Armed Forces excesses’ one by one.

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