Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Country’s liberation from terrorism:


Country’s liberation from terrorism:
V-Day meant for all Lankans - Defence Spokesman
The V – Day is not merely an occasion to celebrate the country’s unique achievement in defeating the LTTE but a national event which would mark Sri Lanka’s liberation from the clutches of terrorism, Defence Spokesman cum Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said yesterday.
The Minister said the June 18 event and planned to be held annually would be remembered as a ‘Liberation Day’, a day which would symbolize victory for all Sri Lankans.
He said the military parade involving nearly 9,000 personnel, slated to be part of the celebrations at the Galle Face Green would differ from the the normal ‘National Day’ event.
In addition to the normal military parade conducted by the tri-forces, the Civil Defence Force and the Police a separate display would follow which would showcase the conduct of the humanitarian mission involving all the above named personnel.
Those who participated in the final stages of the mission, including the weaponry and the modus operandi they used would be on display, he added. The National Victory Day Celebrations postponed due to inclement weather will be held on June 18 at 8.00 a.m. at the Galle Face Green.
The National Ceremony to commemorate War Heroes will also be held at the War Heroes Cenotaph, at the Parliament Grounds at 4.00 p.m. the same day. According to the Military around 24,000 war heroes from the tri forces, Police and Civil Defence Force who made the supreme sacrifice in defending their motherland during the conflict spanning nearly three decades would be remembered.

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